n 2011.08至2015.07,华东理工大学,能源化工系,热能与动力工程,工学学士
n 2015.09至2021.01,华东理工大学,国家能源煤气化技术研发中心,热能工程,工学博士,导师:于广锁
n 2018.11至2019.01,日本东京工业大学,环境社会理工学院,访学,导师:Kunio Yoshikawa
n 2019.11至2020.10,澳大利亚科廷大学,化工系,联培博士,导师:Chun-Zhu Li、Hari Vuthaluru
n 2021.02 至今,南京林业大学,能源与动力工程系,讲师(副教授待遇)、硕士生导师
n 2022.07至今,南京林业大学,能源与动力工程系,系副主任
n Front Energ Res(SCI)副主编、煤化工(中文核心)编委、煤炭学报(EI/卓越期刊)青年编委、燃料化学学报(EI)学术编辑
n 山东兖矿国拓科技工程股份有限公司特聘专家
n 含碳物质 (生物质、煤、石油焦等) 共气化、催化气化
n 生物质基材料
序号 | 论文题目 | 作者 | 刊物 | 发表时间 |
1 | Study on reactivity characteristics and synergy behaviours of rice straw and bituminous coal co-gasification | Wei JT, Guo QH, Chen HD, Chen XL, Yu GS* | Bioresour Technol | 2016 |
2 | Physicochemical evolution during rice straw and coal co-pyrolysis and its effect on co-gasification reactivity | Wei JT, Gong Y, Guo QH, Wang FC, Ding L, Yu GS*. | Bioresour Technol | 2017 ESI高被引论文 |
3 | Co-gasification of bituminous coal and hydrochar derived from municipal solid waste: Reactivity and synergy | Wei JT, Guo QH, He Q, Ding L, Yoshikawa K, Yu GS* | Bioresour Technol | 2017 ESI热点论文 |
4 | Synergistic effect on co-gasification reactivity of biomass-petroleum coke blended char | Wei JT, Guo QH, Gong Y, Ding L, Yu GS* | Bioresour Technol | 2017 |
5 | Synergy mechanism analysis of petroleum coke and municipal solid waste (MSW)-derived hydrochar co-gasification | Wei JT, Guo QH*, Ding L, Yoshikawa K, Yu GS* | Appl Energ | 2017 |
6 | Co-gasification reactivity and synergy of banana residue hydrochar and anthracite coal blends | Mosqueda A1, Wei JT1 (共一), Medrano K, Gonzales H, Ding L*, Yu GS, Yoshikawa K. | Appl Energ | 2019 |
7 | A mechanism investigation of synergy behaviour variations during blended char co-gasification of biomass and different rank coals | Wei JT, Gong Y, Guo QH*, Chen XL, Ding L, Yu GS* | Renew Energ | 2019 ESI高被引论文 |
8 | Effect of biomass leachates on structure evolution and reactivity characteristic of petroleum coke gasification | Wei JT, Guo QH*, Gong Y, Ding L, Yu GS*. | Renew Energ | 2020 |
9 | Oxidative fast pyrolysis of biomass in a quartz tube fluidized bed reactor: Effect of oxygen equivalence ratio | Li B, Song MG, Xie X, Wei JT*, Xu DL, Ding K, Huang Y, Zhang S, Hu X, Zhang SH, Liu DJ* | Energy | 2023 |
10 | Advances on in-situ analysis of char structure evolution during thermochemical conversion of coal/biomass: A review | Wei JT*, Wang M, Tang GJ, Akhtar MA, Xu DL, Song XD, Yu GS, Li B, Zhang H, Zhang S*. | Fuel Process Technol | 2022 |
11 | Migration and transformation of alkali/alkaline earth metal species during biomass and coal co-gasification: A review | Wei JT, Wang M, Xu DL, Shi L, Li B*, Bai YH, Yu GS, Bao WN, Xu J, Zhang H, Zhang S* | Fuel Process Technol | 2022 |
12 | Brief review on petroleum coke and biomass/coal co-gasification: Syngas production, reactivity characteristics, and synergy behavior | Wang M, Wan YL, Guo QH, Bai YH, Yu GS, Liu YR, Zhang H, Zhang S, Wei JT* | Fuel | 2021 |
13 | Comparative observation of the flow behavior of low- and high-temperature ashes of biomass | Li JZ, Wei JT*, Reinmöller M, Liang C, Li SS, Xiao RR, Xu J* | Fuel | 2022 |
14 | Char Structure evolution during molten salt pyrolysis of biomass: Effect of temperature | Li B, Tang JZ, Xie X, Wei JT*, Xu DL, Shi L, Ding K, Zhang S, Hu X, Zhang SH, Liu DJ* | Fuel | 2023 |
15 | Dynamic investigation on potassium migration and transformation during biochar combustion and its correlation with combustion reactivity | Wang M, Xu DL, Bai YH, Yu GS, Zhang JX, Zhang SJ, Xu J, Zhang H, Zhang S, Wei JT* | Fuel | 2023 |
16 | Investigation on co-gasification of N-rich fiber board and glucose: Nitrogen evolution and changes in char properties | Zhao M, Sun J, Akhtar MA, Zhang S, Wei JT*, Xu DL*, Hu X, Gholizadeh M, Zhang H. | J Energy Inst | 2022 |
17 | Study on rapid pyrolysis and in-situ char gasification characteristics of coal and petroleum coke | Ding L1, Wei JT1 (共一), Dai ZH*, Guo QH, Yu GS*. | Int J Hydrogen Energ | 2016 |
18 | A review on reactivity characteristics and synergy behavior of biomass and coal co-gasification | Wei JT, Wang M, Wang FC, Song XD, Yu GS*, Liu YR, Vuthaluru H, Xu J, Zhang H, Zhang S* | Int J Hydrogen Energ | 2021 ESI高被引论文 |
19 | Understanding the influence of burner structure on the stability and chemiluminescence of inverse diffusion flame | Song XD, Wu RM, Wang JF, Li JY, Xie F, Wei JT*, Yu GS* | Int J Hydrogen Energ | 2021 |
20 | Effect of hydrothermal carbonization temperature on reactivity and synergy of co-gasification of biomass hydrochar and coal | Wei JT, Guo QH, Song XD, Ding L*, Mosqueda A, Liu YR, Yoshikawa K, Yu GS* | Appl Therm Eng | 2022 |
序号 | 项目名称 | 项目来源 | 经费 | 起止时间 | 担任角色 |
1 | 生物质灰基多组分催化体系对石油焦气化反应的协同影响机制研究 | 国家自然科学基金青年项目 | 30万 | 2023.01-2025.12 | 主持 |
2 | 生物质水热炭和煤共气化反应协同机制研究 | 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目 | 3万 | 2022.07-2024.06 | 主持 |
3 | 基于焦结构和矿物质演变的煤与生物质水热炭共气化反应协同机制研究 | 省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题 | 3万 | 2022.01-2023.12 | 主持 |
4 | 城市生活垃圾灰化学性质分析 | 上海理工大学 技术服务项目 | 2万 | 2021.07-2021.11 | 主持 |
5 | 煤和生物质水热炭混合焦共气化关键科学问题研究 | 山东兖矿国拓科技工程股份有限公司技术合作开发项目 | 10万 | 2022.01-2023.12 | 主持 |
6 | 集成灶燃烧火焰的光谱诊断 | 火星人厨具股份有限公司技术合作开发项目 | 10万 | 2023.03-2025.02 | 主持 |
7 | 生物质和煤共气化反应协同机制研究 | 南京林业大学水杉师资科研启动费 | 30万 | 2021.03-2024.03 | 主持 |
8 | 煤/石油焦与生物质共气化反应特性及协同机理 | 15万 | 2018.12-2019.11 | 主持 |
序号 | 奖项名称 | 颁发机构 | 获奖年份 |
1 | CPCIF- Clariant可持续发展青年创新奖 | 中国石油和化学工业联合会 | 2021 |
2 | 燃料化学学报2021年度优秀学术编辑 | 燃料化学学报 | 2022 |
3 | 上海市优秀毕业生 | 上海市教育委员会 | 2021 |