1. 生物质催化热解制备高品位燃油
2. 生物质定向转化为平台化学品
3. 微波辅助生物质热解
论著名称 | 作者 | 刊物或出版社 | 时间 |
Ketonization of xylose over CeO2 to produce mono-functional ketones | Kuan Ding, Hao Zhou, et al. | Fuel Processing Technology | 2021 |
CFD simulation of combustible solid waste pyrolysis in a fluidized bed reactor | Kuan Ding, Qingang Xiong, et al. | Powder Technology | 2020 |
Catalytic microwave-assisted pyrolysis of plastic waste over NiO and HY for gasoline-range hydrocarbons production | Kuan Ding, Shasha Liu, et al. | Energy Conversion and Management | 2019 |
Improving hydrocarbon yield via catalytic fast co-pyrolysis of biomass and plastic over ceria and HZSM-5: an analytical pyrolyzer analysis | Kuan Ding, Aoxi He, et al. | Bioresource Technology | 2018 |
Improving hydrocarbon yield from catalytic fast co-pyrolysis of hemicellulose and plastic in the dual-catalyst bed of CaO and HZSM-5 | Kuan Ding, Zhaoping Zhong, et al. | Bioresource Technology | 2018 |
Effects of alkali-treated hierarchical HZSM-5 zeolites on the production of aromatic hydrocarbons from catalytic fast pyrolysis of waste cardboard | Kuan Ding, Zhaoping Zhong, et al. | Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis | 2017 |
Catalytic pyrolysis of waste tire to produce valuable aromatic hydrocarbons: An analytical Py-GC/MS study | Kuan Ding, Zhaoping Zhong, et al. | Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis | 2016 |
Pyrolysis of municipal solid waste in a fluidized bed for producing valuable pyrolytic oils | Kuan Ding, Zhaoping Zhong, et al. | Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy | 2016 |
Pyrolysis Characteristics of Waste Tire in an Analytical Pyrolyzer Coupled with Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry | Kuan Ding, Zhaoping Zhong, et al. | Energy & Fuels | 2015 |
纯化凹凸棒土催化废轮胎热解制取高值液态产物 | 丁宽,仲兆平,等 | 浙江大学学报(工学版) | 2014 |
城市固体废弃物混合热解特性及动力学 | 丁宽,仲兆平,等 | 东南大学学报(自然科学版) | 2013 |
课题名称 | 主要参加人 | 项目来源 | 起止时间 |
生物质定向热转化与功能炭材料制备一体化技术基础研究 | 参与 | 国家重点研发计划“政府间国际科技创新合作/港澳台科技创新合作” 重点专项项目 | 2020.01-2022.12 |
流化床中煤与生物质混烧的实验及模拟研究 | 参与 | 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目 | 2014.01-2016.12 |
流态化下生物质颗粒流动、热解实验及多尺度模拟研究 | 参与 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目 | 2013.01-2016.12 |
还原性气氛下可燃固体废弃物热解油高值利用途径研究 | 参与 | 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目(973 项目)二级子课题 | 2011.01-2015.12 |
1. 电厂锅炉(双语)
2. 传热传质学
3. 能源工程专业实验