E-Mail: yjiao123@126.com
本 科: 2012.09 -2016.06 ,东北林业大学,材料化学专业
硕、博士: 2016.09 -2020.06,东北林业大学,木材科学与技术(免试“直博生”)
论著名称 | 作者 | 刊物或出版社 | 时间 |
Highly stretchable and self-healing cellulose nanofiber-mediated conductive hydrogel towards strain sensing application | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, | 2021 |
Ultra–high rate capability of nanoporous carbon network@V2O5 sub–micron brick composite as a novel cathode material for asymmetric supercapacitors | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Nanoscale | 2020 |
Highly viscoelastic, stretchable, conductive, and self–healing strain sensors based on cellulose nanofibers–reinforced polyacrylic acid hydrogel | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Cellulose | 2021 |
纤维素气凝胶基多功能纳米复合材料 | 李坚, 万才超, 焦月 | 科学出版社 | 2018 |
Facile hydrothermal synthesis of Fe3O4@cellulose aerogel nanocomposite and its application in Fenton-like degradation of Rhodamine B | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Carbohydrate Polymers | 2018 |
Synthesis of carbon fiber aerogel from natural bamboo fiber and its application as a green high-efficiency and recyclable adsorbent | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Materials & Design | 2016 |
Carbon fibers encapsulated with nano-copper: A core‒shell structured composite for antibacterial and electromagnetic interference shielding applications | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Nanomaterials | 2019 |
Scalable synthesis and characterization of free-standing supercapacitor electrode using natural wood as a green substrate to support rod-shaped polyaniline | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, | 2017 |
Anatase TiO2/cellulose hybrid paper: synthesis, characterizations, and photocatalytic activity for degradation of indigo carmine dye | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Functional Materials Letters | 2017 |
Synthesis of Superhydrophobic Ultralight Aerogels from Nanofibrillated Cellulose Isolated from Natural Reed for High-Performance Adsorbents | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Applied Physics A | 2016 |
Room-temperature embedment of anatase titania nanoparticles into porous cellulose aerogels | Jiao Y, Li J, et al. | Applied Physics A | 2015 |
A geologic architecture system‐inspired micro‐/nano‐heterostructure design for high‐performance energy storage. Advanced Energy Materials | Wan C1, Jiao Y1, et al. | Advanced Energy Materials | 2018 |
A holocellulose framework with anisotropic microchannels for directional assembly of copper sulphide nanoparticles for multifunctional applications | Wan C*, Jiao Y*, et al. | Chemical Engineering Journal | 2020 |
In situ deposition of graphene nanosheets on wood surface by one-pot hydrothermal method for enhanced UV-resistant ability | Wan C1, Jiao Y1, et al. | Applied Surface Science | 2015 |
课题名称 | 主要参加人 | 项目来源 | 起止时间 |
智能型木材基柔性透明电极的构筑及其储能与电致变色双重响应机制 | 焦月 | 国家自然科学基金-青年基金 | 2022.01-2025.01 |
生物质基柔性线形超级电容器逐级构筑及高效储能机制 | 焦月 | 江苏省自然科学基金 | 2021.07-2024.07 |
双功能型木材基柔性透明电极构筑及其智能响应机制研究 | 焦月 | 江苏省高等学校自然科学基金 | 2021.06-2023.06 |
微流控纺丝制备生物质基柔性线形电极及电化学性能研究 | 焦月 | 南京林业大学水杉师资科研启动费 | 2020.10-2023.10 |
磁控溅射法构筑生物质基电化学储能器件 | 焦月 | 东北林业大学博士研究生自主创新基金项目 | 2018.05-2020.05 |