2010.9-2013.7 中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所 博士 导师:储富祥
2006.9-2009.5 福州大学 硕士 导师:林青
2004.9-2006.7 河南工业大学 学士
论著名称 | 作者 | 刊物或出版社 | 时间 |
Highly branched and nontoxic plasticizers based on natural cashew shell oil by a facile and sustainable way | Ma, Y. , Song, F. , Hu, Y. , Kong, Q. , & Jia, P.* | Journal of Cleaner Production | 2020.4 |
Ethyl cellulose based self-healing adhesives synthesized via RAFT and aromatic schiff-base chemistry | Gong, X. , Cheng, Z. , Gao, S. , Zhang, D.*, Ma Y.*, & Chu, F. | Carbohydrate Polymers | 2020.8 |
Physical and chemical modifications of poly(vinyl chloride) materials to prevent plasticizer migration - Still on the run | Ma, Y., Liao, S., Li, Q., Guan, Q., Jia P.⁎, Zhou, Y. | Reactive and Functional Polymers | 2020.2 |
The Effects of DOPO-g-ITA Modified Microcrystalline Cellulose on the Properites of Composite Phenolic Foams | Ma, Y. , Gong, X. , Jia, P. * | Journal of Renewable Materials | 2020.1 |
Preparation and Performance of Bio-Based Polyol Ester from One-Pot Synthesis of Castor Oil as Nontoxic Poly(Vinyl Chloride) Plasticizer | Ma, Y. , Song, F. , Kong, Q. , & Jia, P.* | Journal of Polymers and the Environment | 2020.5 |
The synthesis of DOPO-g-ESO and its effect on the properties of phenolic foam composites | Ma, Y.*, Gong, X., Zhang Z., & Wang C. | Green Materials | 2020.4 |
Synthesis and characterization of DOPO-g-CNSL and its effect on the properties of phenolic foams | Ma, Y.*, Gong, X., Xie B. & Jia, P.* | Journal of Renewable Materials | 2019.10 |
Synthesis of DOPO-g-GPTS modified wood fiber and its effects on the properties of composite phenolic foams | Ma, Y.* , Geng, X. , Zhang, X. , Wang, C. , & Chu, F. | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 2019.1 |
Synthesis,characterization,and application of a bio-based plasticizer for PVC: epoxidized acetylation cardanol | Ma, Y., Jia, P.*, Hu, L., Feng, G., Zhang, M., Zhou, Y. | Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering | 2019.1 |
Preparation and Characterization of DOPO-ITA Modified Ethyl Cellulose and Its Application in Phenolic Foams | Ma Y.* , Gong X. , Liao C. , & Chu F. | Polymers | 2018.09 |
Effect of Novel DOPO-g-Coupling Agent Treated Wood Fibers on Properties of Composite Phenolic Foams | Ma Y.* , Geng X., Zhang X. | BioResources | 2018.06 |
A novel DOPO-g-KH550 modification wood fibers and its effects on the properties of composite phenolic foams | Ma Y.* , Geng X., Zhang X., & Chu F. | Polish Journal of Chemical Technology | 2018.06 |
The structure and properties of eucalyptus fiber/ phenolic foam composites under N-beta (aminoethyl)- gamma -aminopropyl trimethoxy silane pretreatments | Ma Y.*, Wang C., Chu, F. | Polish Journal of Chemical Technology | 2017.12 |
Effects of fiber surface treatments on the properties of wood fiber-phenolic foam composites | Ma Y.*, Wang C., Chu F. | BioResources | 2017.05 |
Effect of zinc oxide on properties of phenolic foams/halogen-free flame retardant system | Ma Y., Wang J. Xu Y. Wang C., Chu F*. | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 2015.11 |
木材胶黏剂研究进展 | 马玉峰、 龚轩昂、 王春鹏* | 林产化学与工业 | 2020.4 |
桉木纤维预处理对酚醛泡沫复合材料性能的影响 | 马玉峰,耿祥,王春鹏,储富祥* | 林业工程学报 | 2018.01 |
三氧化钼对无卤阻燃体系复合酚醛泡沫性能的影响 | 马玉峰,王春鹏,储富祥* | 林产化学与工业 | 2016.06 |
氯化亚铜对阻燃体系复合酚醛泡沫性能的影响 | 马玉峰,王春鹏,储富祥* | 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) | 2016.03 |
氧化亚锡对阻燃体系复合酚醛泡沫性能的影响 | 马玉峰,王春鹏,储富祥* | 材料导报 | 2015.11 |
酚醛树脂胶粘剂研究进展 | 马玉峰,王春鹏, 许玉芝 | 粘接 | 2014.02 |
产学研合作促进大学生创新型人才培养 | 马玉峰,徐明娟 | 文教资料 | 2018.06 |
课题名称 | 主要参加人 | 项目来源 | 起止时间 |
阻燃酯化改性木质纤维素增韧酚醛泡沫的机理与构效关系研究 | 徐信武、贾翀、陈玲、周秉亮 | 江苏省自然基金青年项目 | 2014.7-2017.6 |
油脂基阻燃聚合物的设计制备及其在酚醛泡沫中的应用基础研究 | 韩景泉、张海洋、何爽爽、衡利辰 | 南京林业大学青年创新基金 | 2017.1-2019.12 |
阻燃改性植物油脂对酚醛泡沫复合材料的增韧机理与固化动力学研究 | 徐信武、陈玲、周秉亮 | 南京林业大学高学历人才启动基金 | 2015.1-2017.12 |