2008年9月至2014年9月师从卢晓宁教授硕博连读,并获得工学博士学位。2013年9月至2014年7月师从A. Pizzi教授在法国洛林大学进行博士生联合培养学习。
2 竹基复合材料
3 功能材料
4 表界面材料
[1] 一种木材表面快速密实碳化的方法, ZL201710841500.1, 排名第一.
[2] 一种有机酸溶液及其制备方法和应用于焊接木材表面的改性方法, ZL20171084060 8.9,排名第一.
[3] 一种竹片整形装置和方法, ZL201910285346.3, 排名第一.
[4] 一种木材焊接结合用改性微米颗粒制备及其使用方法, ZL201811247812.0, 排名第一.
E-mail: zhynjfu@njfu.edu.cn
College of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China
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[2] He Q, Zhan T, Zhang H, et al. Robust and durable bonding performance of bamboo induced by high voltage electrostatic field treatment[J]. Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 137: 149-156.
[3] Ju Z, He Q, Zhan T, Zhang H, et al. Steam Exploded Peanut Shell Fiber as the Filler in the Rigid Polyurethane Foams[J]. Journal of Renewable Materials, 2019, 7(11): 1077-1091.
[4] He Q, Zhan T, Zhang H, et al. Variation of surface and bonding properties among four wood species induced by a high voltage electrostatic field (HVEF)[J]. Holzforschung, 2019, 73(10): 957-965.
[5] Zhang H, He Q, Lu X, et al. Energy release rate measurement of welded bamboo joints[J]. Journal of Renewable Materials, 2018, 6(5): 450-456.
[6] He Q, Zhan T, Zhang H, et al. Influence of high voltage electrostatic field (HVEF) on bonding characteristics of Masson (Pinus massoniana Lamb.) veneer composites[J]. European journal of wood and wood products, 2019, 77(1): 105-114.
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[8] Zhang H, Pizzi A, Zhou X, et al. The study of linear vibrational welding of moso bamboo[J]. Journal of adhesion science and Technology, 2018, 32(1): 1-10.
[9] He Q, Zhan T, Zhang H, et al. The effect of high voltage electrostatic field (HVEF) treatment on bonding interphase characteristics among different wood sections of Masson pine (Pinus massoniana Lamb.)[J]. Holzforschung, 2018, 72(7): 557-565.
1. 苏北科技专项:2020-2023
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:2018-2022
3. 南京林业大学骨干教师培养计划:2017-2020